Welcome to the Meccano Magazine Viewer.
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Help information for the Meccano Magazine viewer
Welcome to the Meccano Magazine Viewer. There are 42,106 pages here, every page of every edition of the Meccano Magazine from 1916 through to 1981. You can choose a magazine and read it page by page, or search for specific articles of interest by any combination of keywords. If you find something you like, you can collect a group of pages and download them for later reading or printing. We hope you have fun!
Choose which magazine to view by selecting a month and year number above. Page through the magazine by clicking on the left-arrow and right-arrow buttons, or by selecting an article from the drop-down box at the top of the screen.
Clicking on the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons at the top left will display pages in one of three different sizes. Smaller sizes have less detail, but display more quickly. The three resolutions are chosen to fit on browser windows of 800, 1024, and 1600 pixes wide.
To search for a particular page, enter some key words in the box above and click the Search button (or press Enter). More information on advanced searches can be found after you've searched for something.
Click the Add (+) button to mark this page for downloading. You may choose a number of pages and view them by clicking on the Edit (pencil) button above. Once you have a collection of pages marked, click on the Download (disk) button above and they will be assembled into a PDF file for downloading and later printing at high resolution.
Articles that have already been assembled by others are also listed on that page – just click on the disk icon above to see a list of the articles you can download immediately.
If you're viewing a page that's already in your download list, the Add button will change to a Delete button, and clicking this will remove the current page from your download list.
To remove all the pages from your download list (for example, to create a new list after you've downloaded one already), click here.
You can jump directly to this Meccano Magazine page with the following link:
Click on the Help button again to remove this window.
The Meccano Magazine index was assembled by Charles Steadman with the generous assistance of
Ray Parris,
Glyn Roberts,
Wayne Hortensius,
Arup Dasgupta,
Hans van Ouwerkerk,
Rémi Lanne,
Michael Walker,
Bob Prescott,
Peter Haigh,
Laurie Long,
Roger Furneaux,
Ron Kurtz,
Bob Thompson,
Antoni Gual,
Anthony Els,
Ellis Cory,
and Richard Payn.
The Meccano Magazines were scanned by Oscar Felguieras and the Meccano Magazine Scanning Project Team, coordinated by Dr
Paul Dale. Everyone involved has volunteered their efforts on condition that no charge is made for
the use of this index or the files you can download. Please feel free to use this index and download the pages
you need.
The Meccano Magazine viewer uses a fair amount of trickery to do what it's doing, and there may be some issues with the display on web browsers that aren't standards-compliant. Things will look best with Firefox or Google Chrome, but everything should still work on other browsers. The most significant thing known to date is that you have to click the Search button if you're using Internet Explorer, you can't just press Enter to search. When we can find a fix we'll do it. Please email us if you find any serious problems.