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Meccano GalleryMeccano ManualsEarly manuals (to 1920)
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1908 Manual (all outfits)  


Image by Charles Steadman, viewed 23491 times.
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Jacques Baranger      (at 9:52am, Mon 14th Feb, 22)

Are there known boxes N°4 or 5 or 6 related to this manual? (with the same top imageas as the #1 in Mecc. Outfits and #1 and 2 in Michel Lhomme).
Same question for the German manual.

Barry Gerdes      (at 7:23pm, Tue 5th Jul, 11)

Manuals from 1904 to 1910

There is very little information on the manuals that were produced before the format was standardised in 1909. The only information I have is from Tony Knowles "Listing of Meccano Manual Models" that has a list of the model content of manuals from 1904 through 1977, a selections of covers and details of the primary colour schemes.

Prior to 1907 manuals were quite simple with pale green covers and text of varying styles titled as "Mechanics Made Easy" the models were mainly line
drawings with a few photos. The size was approximately 5.5" x 8.3".

In 1907 a more pretentious manual was produced, still titled "Mechanics Made Easy" but with a photo on the cover of a boy playing with a crane and a girl looking on. The colour was brown. The models were arranged better with many more models and descriptions for building. Still with the same size.

In 1908 the manual changed again with the size now landscape 9.7" x 6.6". The cover had a pale blue background with a girl and a boy pointing to a panel
that described the contents of the manual and the price. Apparently there were quite a few variations of the contents with single set manuals and multiple
set manuals. A #1, #2 and a#4/5/6 manual have been found. In the #1 manual there are descriptions and photos of the 8 models that could be built from the #1 set and reduced size pictures of the models (and numbers) that could be built with the larger sets. Only the covers have been seen of the ot... read more »

Henk      (at 5:25am, Sun 6th Mar, 11)

There are more manuals for this period. 2 are one my user gallery one for outfit 1 and one without an outfit number I have seen a combined manual for outfit 4,5,6

Barry Gerdes      (at 3:03am, Tue 12th Jan, 10)

This is only a make believe manual. I don't even know if one existed in this form. I contains all the correct models from all sets of the era. I was only meant to show what the models were in the range of sets of the year.

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