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50 items in this album, click on one to enlarge it.
Sheffield Meeting Norton April 1999
4 photos
Rob Thompson
Norton 4th April 1998
12 photos
Rob Thompson
Norton 5th April 1997
9 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting Norton October 1994
9 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting October 1993
7 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Kelham Island May 1992
13 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting Norton October 1991
6 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Kelham Island March 1991
18 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting Norton August 1990
8 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Kelham Island March 1990
13 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting October 1989
4 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting April 1989
7 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Kelham Island July 1988
13 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting April 1988
7 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting April 1987
11 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield meeting October 1986
10 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting April 1986
25 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting October 1985
7 photos
Rob Thompson
Sheffield Meeting April 1985
20 photos
Richard Payn
Sheffield Meeting April 1984
9 photos
Richard Payn
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