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Meccano Wanted Ads

This page allows you to create 'wanted ads' for Meccano parts, sets, or anything you might need.  Whether it's just one part or a 10-outfit, you can post an anonymous wanted ad on this page and receive offers directly by email.

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Current Meccano Wanted requests

previous 20268 records found, showing page 4next 20
WantedDescription (click to view and reply to an ad)Has repliesDelete
Part (1 of) Mint.  Hello could some one please send me the scans for the 1937 meccano service crane. You can get lots of versions of this crane but the 1937 one is the one i want to build again
Part (1 of) Mint.  Hello could some one please send me the scans for the 1937 meccano service crane. You can get lots of versions of this crane but the 1937 one is the one i want to build again
Part (1 of) Mint.  Radiator for a No 1 Constructor car
PartPart C491 (1 of) in any, Fair.  turbo 3350A part no C491
Part (1 of) Mint.  Hello I am looking for tires type 142T Can you help me?
Part (1 of) in any, Near Mint.  66 tooth gear
Part (1 of) Mint. 
Part (1 of) in any, Near Mint. 
Part (1 of) Mint. 
PartPart 152 (1 of) in grey, Good. 
PartPart 37a (250 of) in Brass, Good. 
PartPart 35 (1 of) in bllack, Fair.  I'd be glad, if somebody can provide to me a feather key and a tongue key, one of each, just to have them in my collection for demonstration.Answer to hohlerth@t-online.de. Thank you with kind regards
Part (1 of) Poor.  I am looking for tires type 142T where can we get this piece. Thank you.
Part (1 of) Fair.  Wanted meccano made easy tin any set will do in any condition
Part (1 of) Mint.  Wanted any 1920’s chassis,loom,charging board and ships coaler leaflets in reasonable condition
Part (1 of) Mint.  1920/30s steam engine must be complete with box and manual if possible
Part (1 of) Mint.  1920/30s steam engine must be complete with box and manual if possible
Part (0 of) Mint.  1920’s loom, chassis,charging boards and ships coaler leaflets
PartPart - (2 of) in green, Fair.  I am looking for the original green Meccano cord (2 pieces) wrapped on the original cardboard in good to fair condition.
PartPart 89 ? (5 of) in green, Good.  Require 5 curved strips (11 hole) for model and length of sprocket chain no.95 sprocket

Here's the clever bit: your advert is completely anonymous.  Your name and email address are never disclosed to other users of this site.  If someone has the item you want, they can send you a message through this page.  You will receive their email address and the price they want, not the other way round. You can then decide whether to respond to them.  The seller doesn't see your email address until you choose to email them, and after that you can deal directly with your chosen seller.

Wanted ads are free, as a service to the Meccano hobby.  We don't sell Meccano parts through this website, and don't guarantee or recommend any of the offers you might receive from other users of this site.  Once you reply to a seller, you should take appropriate steps to protect yourself as you would with any purchase.  This website only introduces potential sellers and buyers to each other, and takes no part in the subsequent transaction.

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