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Meccano Wanted Ads
Meccano Wanted Ads
This page allows you to create 'wanted ads' for Meccano parts, sets, or anything you might need.
Whether it's just one part or a 10-outfit, you can post an anonymous wanted ad on this page and
receive offers directly by email.
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Current Meccano Wanted requests
| 268 records found, showing page 5 | |
Wanted | Description (click to view and reply to an ad) | | |
Part | Part Motor (1 of) in 1930's Blue, Good. Wanted an E120B 1930's blue motor with box in excellent to near mint condition to make up a NO.10 B/G set. Good price paid.
| 0 | |
Part | Part 169 (1 of) in 1930's Red, Near Mint. I am looking for a nice 1930's pre war red digger bucket with or without box in preferably excellent condition. Good price paid.
| 0 | |
Part | Part 236 (2 of) in yellow, Fair. Wanted, a couple of the large flanged plates (13 1/2" x 4 1/2") like those in the French M1 & M2 sets for New Zealand builder.
| 0 | |
Part | (1 of) Mint.
| 0 | |
Part | (1 of) in Red & Green, Fair. Nothing specific. New Meccanoman looking to generally increase my collection of parts. In particular, shorter girders, red plates, also gears, pinions and brass parts in general. Anything considered.
| 1 | |
Part | (1 of) in Red/gold, Mint. Pre war red and gold geared roller bearing in good plus condition with or without box.
| 0 | |
Part | (1 of) in Blue, Mint. Pre war blue ball thrust bearing in box in very good condition.
| 0 | |
Part | (1 of) in Blue, Mint. Pre war blue digger bucket box or not in good plus condition.
| 0 | |
Part | (1 of) in Early blue, Good. A pre war early blue flywheel OK if not boxed in good + condition.
| 0 | |
Part | (1 of) Mint. i am looking for a FAC 2 set from Sveden,please mail me a price if you have a set for sale
best regards
| 0 | |
Part | (1 of) Mint. Is it possible, to download somewhere the complete german manuals 1913 to 1930(not only the front pages) as it is for the englsh manual? Thanx with kind regards
| 1 | |
Part | (1 of) Mint.
| 0 | |
Part | (1 of) Mint.
| 0 | |
Part | Part 158a (1 of) Good. Meccano signal arms
| 0 | |
Part | Part 7 (1 of) in green, Mint.
| 0 | |
Part | Part 169 (1 of) in 1934 Blue, Near Mint. 1933/1934 Blue Digger bucket wanted in nice condition from blue/gold era. Boxed or unboxed. Good price paid.
| 0 | |
Part | (1 of) Mint. WANTED - details of persons supplying replacement small parts boxes/tins (with realistic-looking imagery/wording). Also any known sources of paper which matches red & yellow box colours - thank you
| 1 | |
Part | (1 of) Fair. I am looking for a headboard for a 192o's 6 draw dealers cabinet Good price payed
| 0 | |
Part | (1 of) Mint. instruction manual for Meccano Mechanoid from deep space
| 0 | |
Part | Part B691 (1 of) in black, Good. Model 8701 the drife is not quet well
So i am looking for a new one.
Gratings Denys from the Hetherlands
| 0 | |
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