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Meccano Wanted Ads

This page allows you to create 'wanted ads' for Meccano parts, sets, or anything you might need.  Whether it's just one part or a 10-outfit, you can post an anonymous wanted ad on this page and receive offers directly by email.

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Current Meccano Wanted requests

previous 20268 records found, showing page 6next 20
WantedDescription (click to view and reply to an ad)Has repliesDelete
PartPart B691 (2 of) in Black, Good.  A chassis for model 8701 and 8700
Part (1 of) Mint.  Looking for Aeroplane Constructor Manual Outfit 2 and 1
Part (1 of) Mint.  Looking for pre-war Aeroplane Constructor Outfit 2 manual. Bet regards
Part (1 of) Mint.  screws and clock motor for pre-war Aircraft Meccano Box
Part (1 of) in blou, Mint. 
PartPart 212 (1 of) in any, Fair.  Also looking for 212a and 213, similar conditions apply, will pay any reasonable price or may exchange early parts if preferred.
Part (1 of) Mint.  Would like to build a Beam Engine using up to the Meccano No.10 collection of parts. Has anyone compiled some building instructions which they would be prepared to sell/ pass on.
Part (1 of) Mint.  I need the instructions fo 842706 motorcycle sidecar and buggy set please
Part (1 of) Mint.  busco grua de bloques de puerto de meccano n 10 para comprar
PartPart ?? (1 of) in yellow, Mint.  wanted power drive motor must have all the wires that go with it
Part (1 of) Mint.  Meccano Constructor Car No1 Sports Hood
Part (1 of) Mint.  Meccano Constructor Car No1 Sports Hood
Part (1 of) Mint.  Hi everybody, My son has lost his user manual for the futuremaster 7600. Who can help him by sending by mail a copy? He will be delighted. E-mai: martand@home.nl. Many greetings, Paul from Holland
PartPart 7a (1 of) in gold, Near Mint.  Wanted 7a gold angle girders in good to near mint condition, any quantity or condition considered for reasonable price.
PartPart 1 (20 of) in Nickel 1912- 20's, Good.  12.5" strip, stamped either MFEA or Meccano. In reasonable condition 98%+ nickel remaining on the strip... As stated 1920's nickel only!
Part (1 of) Mint.  does any one have the super model leaflet of the meccano car chassis ??
Part (1 of) Near Mint.  part 140 wanted so I can connect gearbox to differential properly
PartPart 140 (1 of) Mint.  one universal coupling wanted must be meccano made in england
PartPart 140 (1 of) Good.  required urgently I o 140 universal coupling + 168 completer ball race

Here's the clever bit: your advert is completely anonymous.  Your name and email address are never disclosed to other users of this site.  If someone has the item you want, they can send you a message through this page.  You will receive their email address and the price they want, not the other way round. You can then decide whether to respond to them.  The seller doesn't see your email address until you choose to email them, and after that you can deal directly with your chosen seller.

Wanted ads are free, as a service to the Meccano hobby.  We don't sell Meccano parts through this website, and don't guarantee or recommend any of the offers you might receive from other users of this site.  Once you reply to a seller, you should take appropriate steps to protect yourself as you would with any purchase.  This website only introduces potential sellers and buyers to each other, and takes no part in the subsequent transaction.

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